Corporate Social Responsibility For Children

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a form of legal and moral responsibility, which is incorporated into a business model of a company. CSR is aimed to aware the companies of the impact of their business on employees, consumers and other members of society including children. Yes, Children! Protecting and respecting children's rights should be an integral to CSR strategy of every organization.

CSR makes corporates aware of need and importance of protecting rights of the children. Corporates' business practices, actions and activities at workplace and marketplace can make a significant impact on the rights of kids. Therefore, CSR encourages the organization to make some positive alterations in business model and practices. Companies need to leverage its skills, networks and resources to recognize and address the challenges faced by underprivileged kids.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can deliver results for the children in many ways:

  • All the business activities and actions and facilities should ensure protection of children.
  • Business can impact children's rights! CSR can make a valuable contribution in protecting children's right by reducing and preventing child labor.
  • Companies can support and reinforce private and government organization's efforts in promoting and protecting children's right and protecting disadvantaged kids.
  • In the area of labor, companies should provide a decent job and good working condition for the young workers.
  • Philanthropic initiatives can be taken by the companies to support the employees (labor) in their role as parents as it impacts the children a lot.
  • Create more and more jobs for the people as it will benefit the children also (employee's children).

Every company should take an initiative and take efforts in development and protection of children and protect their rights by adopting and promoting CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility.

Not only companies, but an individual can also play an important role in protecting children's right. Pastor Reji Thomas have taken a great step towards protection of 24 underprivileged children, who have been affected and infected by HIV and abandoned by their own. is supporting his campaign and raising funds for the education of these kids. Read the full story of Paster Rej Thomas online at:
